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Addressing obesity's impact across the disease spectrum

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Obesity is a growing health concern worldwide, with at least 2.8 million people dying each year as a result of the disease. Additionally, the number of individuals living with obesity continues to increase annually across age, gender and geographic location. A complex condition, obesity has implications in inflammatory, metabolic and cardiovascular health — which, together, mean that advancing the treatment of obesity also means accounting for its relationships with other physiological systems and health conditions.

Read the whitepaper to learn:

  • The foundational physiology and drivers of obesity
  • How obesity impacts inflammatory, metabolic and cardiovascular health
  • Current approaches to treating obesity
  • Considerations for future obesity drug development, including long-term health solutions and multidisciplinary and combination therapies
  • Unique challenges and approaches in participant recruitment and retention for obesity-related clinical trials
  • Considerations for clinical trial design focused on obesity treatments
  • Why and how to plan for long-term follow-up for obesity treatments.

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